“Without the professional support of Jesus.net, it would be impossible to accomplish the ministry we are doing currently.”

“The Jesus.net ministry is like a family to me. In 2009 I started posting sermons on YouTube and registered the domain Hisus.am with the vision to have an Armenian version of the Jesus.net website. What I didn’t expect was that I would be connecting to millions of Armenians worldwide. Armenia is a small country with a population of three million, but outside of Armenia, three million more people speak Armenian. When a friend introduced me to the staff of Jesus.net, it renewed my vision for the website Hisus.am and since 2021, we are also sending out the daily email of A Miracle Every Day in Armenian. I’m so blessed to have access to the archive of Éric Célérier writing. I feel that we are led by the same Spirit. We’ve also started online disciple groups and now have 25 groups that meet online weekly to grow spiritually. Without the professional support of Jesus.net, it would be impossible to accomplish the ministry we are doing currently.”

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