Who we are

Jesus.net is a worldwide network of over 120 organizations operating in more than 40 languages with the common dream and strategy of helping people take one step closer to Jesus every day. Together with individuals and organizations who support the work, we strive to make this dream a reality.

Our dream

We develop

We develop and share online tools and resources like A Miracle Every Day, YouVersion and The Life of Jesus film to spread the gospel. We use a unique stepping stones strategy to help online seekers grow in their faith.

We share

Our partners can use all the tools, technology, content and knowledge that is available in the network because we aim to reach every single person with the gospel in his/her own language. Our support team is available to assist our partners.


Our History


Launch the first French evangelistic website by Éric Célérier, with first visitor from Brazil


Launch of E-learning course Why Jesus? In Dutch by EO - the Dutch Evangelical Broadcasting created by Jan-Willem Bosman, Richard Post, and Peter Scheele


Connaitre Dieu (KnowingGod) website launches in French created by Éric Célérier and David Nolent at TopChrétien


Jan-Willem Bosman & Éric Célérier get connected by Joseph Hoquet and start translating content into Dutch and French and connecting Connaitre Dieu to WhyJesus?


First draft of the Stepping Stones model is created


Launch of the website IkZoekGod.nl (IAmSearchingGod) created by Wouter van der Toorn (Agapè Netherlands)


Requests for several KnowingGod websites in, for example, Arabic and Chinese done by David Nolent and Éric Célérier


Henryk Krol at CCM Ministries begins translating the website and e-course into Polish


The Jesus.net name is chosen at the Connaitre Dieu conference, and the website domain Jesus.net is bought by TopChrétien


Jan-Willem Bosman and Arjo de Vroome move from EO to Agapè Netherlands to expand the WhyJesus? concept into new languages


Partnership is formed with the Billy Graham Association


The Jesus.net non-profit is founded and an Executive Team and Board is established


The Swiss partners at Campus Crusade for Christ launch MyStory.me


The daily email A Miracle Every Day is launched in French by Éric Célérier


First Sandy Tales video is produced


Jesus.net connects with the businessman that bought the rights to the film The Life of Jesus and starts airing on YouTube


Staff members officially start working with Jesus.net as their employer


Jesus.net moves into the Watertower in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, as their home base


Jesus.net becomes the European representative for the YouVersion Bible App


First Audio Guide is released


The North and Latin America offices are established.

Our identity

Our team

The worldwide Jesus.net network of online ministry partners is backed by a support team based in the Netherlands. To serve people locally, Jesus.net also has regional offices, with one based in the USA and two being developed—in Latin America (LATAM) and in Asia.

Global office

Jan-Willem Bosman, Executive Director

Reinout van Heiningen, International Director

Norm Schulz, Director of Development

Regional offices

Financial accountability

Jesus.net is a 501C3 ministry organization (in the Netherlands: ANBI), which means gifts are tax-deductible in the USA and the Netherlands. Take a look here for more info or download our annual report 2021.
